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Marketing Your Treatments for Men

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The number of men interested in cosmetic treatments is surging—and it's changing the medical aesthetics industry as we know it. Trends and treatments are being shaped in a big way. This is a huge opportunity for medical aesthetic providers to tap into that new demographic and potentially double your client base. Here's five ways to market your business to this growing audience:

1. Offer exclusive promotions

A strong strategy to appeal to male clients is to offer promotions targeted at the demographic. Push promotions for treatments that appeal to men: facial massages, fat freezing, Botox® injections, jawline sculpting, and more. To encourage interest in these services, offer package deals for clients who bring along a boyfriend, family member, or friend. Offering these specials is about more than just enticing men with discounts, it’s an opportunity to show that you value their business and are prepared to cater to their needs.

2. Host events geared towards men

If you would like to attract more male clients, your event schedule should reflect this. Try to set up themed events that cater to this potential patient. These could be as direct as "Men's Appreciation Day" or "Father's Day" or as subtle as sports-related events. Ensure your event advertising is targeted toward male clients: Avoid using language and imagery that could be perceived as feminine and aim for a gender-neutral tone and aesthetic. This will help break down stereotypes surrounding cosmetic procedures and make your practice more inviting for men who are curious about your services.

3. Collaborate with male influencers

Get your services in front of a male audience by collaborating with male influencers in your area, particularly content creators with accounts that are geared towards a male audience. When this influencer promotes your business on their social media channel, their audience will see it as a credible endorsement. Through targeted content on these platforms, these influencers can spread the word about the benefits you offer and encourage more men to give it a try. Make influencer collaborations enticing by offering special perks or discounts in exchange for social media exposure—it’s a win-win for all!

4. Advertise on popular male podcasts

Podcasts are quickly becoming a go-to source of entertainment for many men. By partnering with a podcast with a large and engaged male audience, you have the opportunity to reach a whole new demographic. When a potential client hears an ad on one of their favorite shows, it establishes trust and they're more likely to think of your practice when they're ready to book an appointment. Podcast advertising is an effective way to build both brand awareness and credibility.

5. Create a studio space that appeals to all

Cosmetic treatments are becoming increasingly popular with men as the industry overcomes stereotypes about masculinity and beauty. Unfortunately, some of these stigmas still linger.

Many men still feel self-conscious when seeking out cosmetic services. To help these patients feel comfortable in your studio, take a moment to think about how you have designed the space. If your clinic feels like it's catered to women—with traditionally feminine visual cues like pinks or purples, floral designs, cursive fonts, and pictures of only female models on the walls—it may deter male clients. This doesn't mean you have to transform your studio into a colorless or genderless space. But, it is important to ensure that the setting feels appealing to all.

Now that you know how to attract more male clients, it's time to put those tips into action. To learn more about marketing to a new target audience, contact a Portrait specialist today.

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